Couples massage is a perfect way to spend some quality time with a person you really care for. It is not necessary that the couple consists of spouses or lovers for this massage. Any two persons, like mother and daughter, two intimate friends or sisters or even business partners can take this massage.
There is a facility for this kind of massage in almost every massage parlor. Two massage tables are placed side by side or opposite each other for the massage. Both the persons obtain massage from two therapists. Or else, both the recipients are attended by only one professional one after the other. The room has a system to keep the temperature suitable to both of you. A soothing music is played and aromatic candles are lighted to create a pleasant atmosphere. Some massage clinics have some additional facilities in the room too, for some extra charges. They are steam showers, mud treatments and scenic outside views.
On the other hand, if you wish, you can get the service at your doorsteps too. You can enjoy the massage in the comfort of your house, which is given by the massage practitioners using their own equipment. You will just have to provide them a room in which they can do their jobs comfortably setting up the equipment, and which is a bit separate from the remaining house, so as to give you both the desired relaxation.
If your partner is taking the massage for the first time, couples massage is ideal for removing his or her inhibitions about massage. The other person is at ease because you are with him or her. The reason behind it is the thought of taking the massage on their own, often makes many people uncomfortable. If somebody, who is intimate, accompanies them, they feel more comfortable and then they are eager to book the next massage individually. This massage also helps in pacifying the stress between two persons related to each other in any way.
You can choose to remain quiet or chat with the other person, while the massage is going on. You should ensure if you wish to talk, that your companion too wishes the same. There is a possibility that one wants to chat and the other wants quietness, which gives rise to irritation.
There are lots of massages, of which you can choose one which you like. You can choose amongst deep tissue massage, Indian head massage, Chinese massage, Shiatsu and so on. Some clinics offer sensual massage too for loving couples. You should think twice before taking this massage, as there is more nudity and more arousing techniques included in it. The other aspect of this is, such a massage can be very helpful if the couple is thinking of getting involved into more romantic meetings.
Cost of this massage is obviously twice than a single person’s massage. At times, it costs more too. The massage which gives an experience beyond just the process of massage is more expensive. Wine, manicure, pedicure etc. are such extra features. Other facilities like aromatherapy, facial, hot stones etc. can also be taken as per your liking.
Couples massage can take the form of a wonderful gift on the occasion of birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day or Valentine Day and make the day unforgettable for your loved one.